Sunday, March 12, 2006

Creamy or Crunchy???

I have asked the question from time to time in a variety of settings:"What's the price of Peanut Butter in China?" Those who know me do a lil' roll of the eyes and go on their busy way without much of a pause knowing my propensity for silly remarks... ...I've had a few unsuspecting souls try to give me a real answer---usually giving expression to wondering if it really matters to anyone...
I reckon most folks like PB&J sandwiches. I had my share of 'em as a boy but I probably did not have as many as I might have liked to. I grew up mostly in the 50s and 60s and I seem to recall among my peers at the time a serious discussion about who's Peanut Butter was the best---it was between Skippy and Laura Scudder's. Skippy was thought to be the best by a clear majority making it so that dissenters to the popular opinion didn't dare give expression to any disagreement for the verbal abuse that would follow. My opinion was one of curiosity as to what's the big deal anyway---they both seemed to taste quite a lot the same to my uneducated pallet---after all, I thought, Peanut Butter tastes pretty much the same all across the differing brands, doesn't it?... ...never the less---among my early school chums---Skippy was the only one! A little later on I discovered a brand called Jiff which I thought to be tastier than the others---I'm not sure why---perhaps it had more sugar added? I remember another which was truly awful(I don't recall the brand)---it came in a plastic 1/2 gallon or so tub and it actually had bits of shell mixed in it---Nunh Unh---no way was I gonna eat thet stuff!!!
I don't recall thet anyone cared one way or the other about whether it was crunchy or creamy. I confirmed that Creamy seemed more practical than chunky for making sandwiches as it wouldn't tear up the popular white bread of the time quite so badly. As long as it wasn't refrigerated the mechanical aspects of sandwich making were generally successful.
One of my favorite ways to eat peanut butter was to dip a soup/serving/table spoon into the jar and collect as much as the laws of physics would allow and then proceed to eat it pretty much like a lollipop and then do it again... 8~)
When it comes to sandwiches I remeber trying quite a variety of combinations: Just PB and Bread, PB&Jam, PB&Jelly, PB&Butter, PB,Butter&Jam, PB, Butter&Raisens, PB,Butter&Brown sugar, PB,Butter,Brown Sugar&Raisens---They were all good!!! The jelly and Jam types didn't seem to all to be very good...
As the years passed I began to prefer Creamy Refrigerated and I still do. Mrs.RF prefers Chunky un-refrigerated...
Recent years with various diet restraints ruling the day---I am relegated to the Natural Peanut Butters---for flavor I'd rather have the good ol' Jiff but alas---I must be wise. I've settled for Creamy refrigerated Natural---it's better than none at all! I favor the Teddies Brand but not so much for the flavor as the ease of getting through all the tamper proof packaging we are afflicted with these days... ...the natural PBs seem to me to taste about the same---better than none at all mostly...

My Favorite sandwich?: PB,butter and Jam(Strawberry) on good ol' unhealthy white bread!!!

Creamy or Crunchy?: Refrigerated Creamy!!!

What say you all???

Keep on with those PB smiles! 8~)

PS---I still don't know the price of PB in China...

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Tree blossomin' time is a most welcome time of the year for most folks, I reckon. It is this year for Ol' 'Lanche and me too---thet is I s'pose 'Lanche likes 'em too---he ain't never really said one way or t'other come ta think of it. I likes 'em though. I don't know what they all are but I could prob'ly guess at a few of 'em. Some're white and some're pink and there's been lots of 'em.

I reckon Ol' 'Lanche and I've been enjoyin' roamin' some new range lately. Some folks refers to it as the blogosphere---well we thinks it's quite a pleasant range to explore. I s'pose folks who spend time on the same range will pick up our tracks here and there---were not tryin' ta hide 'em. 8~)

Anybody out there know who a bloke who named Chip Foose is? Ol' 'Lanche and me as well as my Lady of the ranch hoose find his work to be quite all right! Of course some of the foo-for-rah thet goes with the gittin' it done is less than great---I'm a bit s'prised at 'Lanche likin' anythin' with wheels on it though... ...but then Chip Foose wheels are right pert lookin'!

Had some visitors come ridin' through yesterday---they was a right welcome sight for our sore ol' eyes---they was from Rhode Island they said.
We like havin' visitors drop in---even 'Lanche seems to like lookin' at new faces--- 'course folks had better call on one o' them talky toy thingys first just in case were out ridin' range or sumpthin'---Mrs.RF (the Lady of my ranch hoose) has one of them talky things she carries around with her...

Well, it's a comin' up ta feed bag time and I gots me things ta tend to...

Ya'lls keep on smilin'---from the heart works best! 8~)