Wednesday, April 05, 2006

YAY!!! It's Baseball Season!!!

I suppose ya'lls mostly know by now thet Ol' 'Lanche and I are San Francisco Giants fans. We are hoping for them to be in the World Series this year. Not only that but to WIN the World Series decisively. In fact we are hoping for a Red Sox vs. Giants World Series where the Red Sox get trounced and the Giants win it all! GO GIANTS!!! Now let the sagebrush rustle in the breeze... 8~)


Blogger pennyjean said...

I honestly don't know what I would do with myself if that actually happened! Who would I root for? I love both teams!


Blogger Mrs. RF said...

Hmm.... do I dare whisper "go Red Sox"....


Blogger CKS said...

Red Sox vs. Giants World Series would be awesome!!!! Hey, just pick up a few more juicing superstars to add to your collection and you might actually trounce us like you hope!

(oooh! ouch!)

The Giants are cool, though...a very classy team with excellent history. I wish them the best of luck.


Blogger Booker said...

Hope it's a good one for ya :-)


Blogger Kate said...

Go Red Sox!!!


Blogger lis said...


So I was perishing in the desert, and when proffered a baseball cap with initials that looked suspiciously like "NY," I had to ask!

Am I being infected with Red Sox fever?

If so, methinks it's a mild case.

Have fun, Giants!


Blogger Booker said...

RYC-yeah, I suspect when I hit the road, there'll be one of them grin things on my face :-)


Blogger melrandall said...

What a post to finally drop by on to say hey! Guess you probably know where I stand on this one... but it sure would be quite a ride if it happened!

hey-- it sounds like you may have some mutiny within your own ranks. Don't worry-- they're in good hands :)


Blogger Booker said...

RYC-well, now that you mention sunglasses, I think I've got an extra pair he could borrow, heh, heh, heh...


Blogger Silas said...

Go Yankees!!



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