Sunday, May 14, 2006


Most of my growing-up years were in a little town in California called Danville. The summers were most memorable for the traveling my family did together. Almost every year we traveled clear across the country to New Hampshire to a little town in Dublin where we attended a Christian youth convention as well as visiting with family and friends. Some times we went by automobile and some times we went by train. We made more of those trips than I can recall. In those days before jet airliners and Interstate highways it was quite a bit more of an adventure than it is now to travel. Now I know it wasn't quite back to the days of the Covered Wagon but it's still considerably different now than in the '50s.
I started thinkin' here the other day of all the many ways to travel that are available to us and wondered what peoples favorite ways are. There's walking, jogging, crawling, swimming, Bicycling, horseback, the afore mentioned Covered Wagon, Boat, car, bus, train, airplane, Hot Air Balloon and at least a few more I am sure.

Well here are my favorites:
#1: Walking.
#2: Automobile.
#3: The Train.

My LEAST favored are:
#1: Flying.
#2: Boat.
#3: Swimming.

I'm sure that some of you are shocked that Trains are not at the top of the list for me---I enjoy traveling by rail immensely but I like going by car and walking more! Now some of you probably chuckle at the idea of walking very far... ...well, maybe you didn't know that I at various times dreamed of walking all the way across our great nation---I never did it and I'm quite sure now I never shall but I have wished I could have---just think of all the adventures I might have had... ...the people I would have met... ...sigh.
I also still dream of making a great long trip by Auto all through Canada and on into Alaska and then the return trip doing a zig zag to catch as many National Parks as possible---there are sooo many I haven't yet seen... ...maybe I'll get to do this one yet!!!
Why not fly you ask? It's way too confining and you can't see much---I only fly when time is an issue...

That's all for now---Happy Travels Ya'lls! 8~)


Blogger Booker said...

that is what Heaven is for my friend! with your new body, you'll have such a grand time too I bet! :-)


Blogger melrandall said...

Yeah, I agree with Ryu. I think you of all people are ready to speed right into the millennium in your new Corvette with no adjustment at all!


Blogger John L said...

I like walking too, and also enjoy traveling by bicycle. Interesting idea about walking across the country. I had an ambition at one point in my life to ride a bicycle across America. Never worked out.


Blogger Crystal said...

I once saw a movie about this guy that drove a lawn-mower across country to see his brother and say "I'm sorry" because it was a grudge between the two of them that had kept them apart. Some of the people he met along the way were interesting and I wonder what it would be like driving a lawn-mower for such a long distance.

Um. I used to walk more than I do now. *confesses* I tend to drive everywhere, now. =S


Blogger pennyjean said...

What, not by horse? Ha Ha!


Blogger Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Ryu---Yer quite right---I'm lookin' forward to thet new Body... ...the meantime can be pesky!

Mel---I'll take that new Corvette---unless, of course, I can fly without using an airplane... 8~)

Johnl---I thought some of doing it by bicycle too---I once heard of a middle aged fellow who did it! He got himself in shape riding his bike back and forth to work. He took off finally with only the clothes on his back and a credit card... ...sound like a pretty good plan???

Crys---I didn't think of a lawnmower---that might be fun! too on driving instead of walking everywhere---the health/time/distance issues seem to dictate my lifestyle...

PJ---Ol' 'Lanche laughs with you!!! 8~D


Blogger Kristi said...

Well, I've also traveled across the country many times, mostly by plane, but I have fond memories of the road trips we took when I was little. What a great way to see our great country!


Blogger lis said...

Walking is the best!

And what with the fact that my dad dreams he can soar through the house...and I've never dreamed I could fly, I couldn't understand what was wrong with the whole flying option.

Oh, THAT kind of flying?

Maybe I shouldn't blog late at night. Or maybe I should, if it'll make you laugh! :O)


Blogger Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Kristi---Driving is a great way to see the country for sure---I'm hoping my next trip across will be all on rural roads avoiding the Interstate system and it's "sub-culture" as much as possible...

lis---if I could fly without any mechanical aid of any kind such as on the inside of those currently popular claustrophobic Aluminum tubes---that would be my number one way to go---imagine it!!! 8~)


Blogger TripleNine said...

Once I take a trip long enough on my bicycle, I'm pretty sure that will be may favorite mode of travelling. As of now cars are definitely on the top of my list.


Blogger Crystal said...

ryc: I'm a night owl.
That is an acquired trait.

I have been a morning dove when needed. (That usually means I have to go to bed earlier.)

Heh. I would rather be a night owl and sleep through the morning.

Hm. There have been times when I went to bed late and woke up early and felt fine. Like today. I went to bed at midnight and woke up at five am to drive a couple hours to work. *shrug*



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