A word...
While reading a very entertaining novel a few weeks back I came upon an unfamiliar word. The author successfully gave it definition so I didn't have to stop and look it up. I am curious how many out there in blog land have come across this word and know what it means. I also would be interested to know how many of you think it a likely thing to take place some where in the course of human history. If so, will it be useful only for material goods or will people use it too?
The word is: Teleportation
What dare thee say all ye fellow bloglanders?
In 1993, Charles Bennett and a team of researchers discovered quantum mechanics was possible, but only if the original was destroyed. In 1998, physicists at Caltech transported a photon. An analysis of the atomic structure is passed through the transporter to the desired location, where a replica is created and the original is destroyed. Using this process, a group in Australia has teleported a laser beam and in 2004 atoms were transported. However, the idea of replicating objects and destroying the original doesn't sound all that great to me when considering teleporting people.
ryc-aye, I hope never to find out :-)
as for teleportation, well, I've read enough scifi so I DO know what it is :-) And I don't think it will happen. Either Jesus will come back, or we[the human race] will revert back to barbarianism, before we discover the secrets of it. And I could be wrong. :-)
My dictionary says that teleporting means to transport the body by telekinesis, which is mind power. Maybe that's one version. Sounds like a pyschic headache.
Have to ditto to what ryu said about being in the know. How could a star trek watcher not know? 'Beam me up scottie' :)
I think God has that teleportation thing covered already. Remember Phillip? :O)
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